The books that connect with me and personal leadership are not in the personal leadership aisle of the library or bookstore. Personal leadership is a unique to-the-person experience. It is learned while riding a bike, bouncing a ball, sharing a conversation, engaging in an area of study … experiencing and engaging in life. I am in awe of the human spirit and our ability to learn and grow. Here are three books for your consideration:

1. Play ~ How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown, MD., with Christopher Vaughan. It’s an easy read, makes a case for play – and thus joy – and includes some practical suggestions. It is a worthy read for parents as it is for those interested in personal leadership.

2. The Oldest Living Things in the World by Rachel Sussman and essays by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Carl Zimmer. I just love this book for introducing me to some amazing trees. Did you know that some trees live almost entirely underground? This is a book for those who love to wonder and enjoy nature. It inspires joy. If the book is not something you’ve a mind to read in the moment, you might enjoy looking at some of Sussman’s images.

3. Flatland ~ A romance of many dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott – this is one incredible book. It’s all about life in a two dimensional world. It was first published in 1884. It speaks to Victorian culture, and a two-dimensional world populated by women (lines) and men (polygons). I found it a layered read and it makes me smile every time I think about it. It is for those who enjoy stories, math, history, or who are interested in human dynamics.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,

~ Mary “The Bad Ass

PS This is the eighteenth in a thirty-one day challenge on joy.