Today’s post was an experiment. I was very short on time today to write a blog post for my thirty-one day joy challenge and I didn’t have my laptop with me. I decided my blog post would be written on a napkin and posted exactly the way I wrote it. I mean everyone knows what first drafts look like – MESSY!  I was only going to post the picture, but I had trouble with uploading it as well as the resolution of the image. Here is the typewritten blog post …

Title:  A Napkin, Failure and Joy        3-12-20

A list of things failures that have happened so far on this 31 day Joy challenge:Blog post written on a napkin

1. Some of the posts I published wren’t visible on my blog – I didn’t know why – I kept writing anyway  [eventually fixed]

2. No computer today – in this moment and this is the time to write the blog. So I wrote it on a napkin & will post it as is – I wrote anyway.

3. No time somedays – I wrote anyway.

4. I realize as I’m nearing the end of this napkin. That “Failure” isn’t the “write” word – I’m publishing anyway

5.  The other thing – very few if any people have actually read this challenge these posts – I’m writing anyway

& what does this have to to do with joy?

A.  Well – I’m loving this challenge, the experiential, adventure of it. It’s joyful!
B.  I love spontaneity of it – it’s like life –

Joy can be messy*
It’s okay to put it
out there to show
up – every

~ Mary

*Yes it can!

PS  Most of my art, written or otherwise I think of as complete in the moment. And then it changes, or perhaps I do. I had a conversation this morning and a decision appeared to be reached. However, I learned some new information and so shared it with the other person. Their response: “I thought that decision had been made.” They thought the conversation ended. But our conversations have a way of ebbing and flowing over time. Conversations can end, but then many are like “art in-the-moment” and not fixed.

PPS  It was difficult to type this post up – to represent it exactly as I wrote it.  For clarity’s sake I wrote #5 after #4 above, but really it was the last thing written on the napkin.The bold represents what I underlined as I didn’t see a way to underline online. I do have a love affair with the word “so” and I see I included it here, but only four times. I think I like napkin blogging.

PPPS  This is the very first post I am publishing without reading again because I believe that is in keeping with the challenge today.