the blog
When you can think of nothing to say . . .
Don't force it. Leave it be. Silence is not a bad thing. - Mary FYI ... I celebrate typos typos here!
Not being heard?
Have you ever wanted to be heard? Thought you’d done everything you can to get to get your point across. And, you left the conversation without satisfaction.
Conflicting stories
How do you handle conflicting stories?
Is it your story to tell?
Suppose a dear friend told you a story. It had a real impact on you and you thought the story was important – important enough to share, but you promised your friend you would never repeat it.
What do you do when . . .
What do the stories of our lives consists of?
Play! What’s the big deal?
A few years ago, I happened to attend a health conference. At that conference I was asked how I made a recent lifestyle change. I don't remember exactly what I said, probably something about commitment. Something nagged at me about my answer and I felt I missed an...
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