the blog
Can we find joy in anything? in loss? in fear?
What does it mean to do joy? Can we just make ourselves feel joy? What if we are doing something we don’t like or don’t want to do? Do we dare do joy when we or others are dealing with adversity or feelings of loss or fear? How can we bring joy to the things we don’t want or like to do? Can we feel joy and fear? Joy and loss? Joy and dissatisfaction?
Play is often a door to joy
Do you remember a time when you were doing something playful, that really engaged you? Was it when you were a kid? teen? adult? Was it a one-time occurrence or did it happen over a period of time? Were you playing alone or perhaps you were in a group? Did it involve an object of some kind? Was your play purposeful or purposeless? How do you feel right now when you think about it?
What is joy?
Maybe we don’t need to define joy, may we just need to be on the lookout for it and find it wherever we happen to be? Can it be found waiting in a long line at the grocery store at the end of a difficult day when we’re tired?
Sometimes you need to make your own joy
A little over a week ago I realized there were ants in the house. Because of this life changed. … And while I was pondering how I might make my own joy…
Have you noticed any joy today? a challenge
t’s funny how often we notice what’s wrong? what’s missing? our dissatisfaction with one thing or another? But how often do we notice, reflect upon, and/or savor the joy?
A big dog, presence and a promise
What happens when your neighbor’s dog unexpectedly needs a little of your attention? … A little reminder of the importance of stepping into the moment and showing up.
What’s in the way?
What is IT that’s in the way? Can you remove IT? Leave IT alone? Take IT out with the trash? Is IT important?
Are we in danger of losing our private space?
What kind of fence or boundary have we for those private thoughts, that space of our own? Where do our spaces begin, end and intersect? … Where are the boundaries? What fences or walls will we take down? Put up? Crawl over? Ignore?
Not being heard? acknowledged?
Have you ever wanted to be heard? Thought you’d done everything you can to get to get your point across, and still you left the conversation without satisfaction.
Maybe the answer lies in ….
When you can think of nothing to say . . .
Don’t force it. Leave it be …
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