The story of No and Yes

No was very powerful at one time in the world. That’s all anyone heard others say and that’s all that was said.  No, I can’t do this. No I disagree with that. No, it is not possible to have that now. And on it went. Parents said it to children. Children said it to parents. Bosses said it to their employees and on it went …

If a story was a marshmallow – here’s a game to keep in your back pocket

This is one of my very favorite games. In my life, this little game has now risen to  the level of a practice!  I’ve done it so often now that it is simply a part of my life. Here’s an example where I compare story(s) to marshmallows … this exercise of taking one thing and comparing it to another is wonderful for gaining perspective in a number of different ways.  It’s a game with legs and you can bring it to your story work, the invitations that  are presented to you in life, or you can use it to add a little humor to your day.  It’s a great little learning tool to have in your back pocket.

When someone we love chooses silence

I like silence, there are times I love it. Silence is often beautiful, but it can be perplexing. Especially when it comes out-of-the-blue and there is simply no answer to a text, a call, or why the silence is so loud and long lasting. I have a loved one who has stopped talking, gone their own way. And the thing is I’ve actually benefited from their choice to be silent … What has helped me is to look at what I really want …

How about feeding ourselves a little good news …

What we feed ourselves is important and I am not just talking about the food we eat. For example, what about the news? I want balanced news that in at least a small part feeds a joyful heart. Today I offer three resources for a little respite from all the “breaking” news …

Joy and self-accountability

I am building a business, part of it online, and there are no shortage of businesses that are happy to tell me how to do it. Many have great ideas, concepts, skills, etc. to share – that’s cool! They promise me all kinds of things including accountability. That is they will help hold their clients or customers accountable for getting their work, a task, or goal accomplished. I don’t do that, and it is a huge turn-off …