Gone fishing?

Fishing for answers that is. Probably all of us have wondered why and sought out answers. When we succeed it can be awesome. We might even have an “aha” moment. However, there are times when the answer doesn’t appear. And we are left to decide what we will do. Should we …

The unexpected journey

My work today moved in some unexpected ways and so it is too late to do much more than be satisfied. Satisfied with what I’ve accomplished and the projects and bits and pieces that lay not yet completed.  Satisfaction can be a very joyful thing even if there is more to do. 

Joy can be saying no

That’s it. Saying no can be a freakn’ joy and that includes saying no to oneself. I’m a pretty organized person, but like many of us I too have a “messy drawer” somewhere. I’m working at mine . . .

The joy of change – an unexpected Halloween party at the grocery store

Today was the first day I ventured out to the grocery store since we’ve been told to socially isolate, stay home, and go out only for essentials. What I didn’t fully realize was that I would be attending an all-out Halloween party where all the party-goers [shoppers] would be dealing with change . . . Who wouldn’t be jazzed about attending such an event. I was so excited I was up at 3 am wondering how I might navigate this new-world experience.

Once upon a time the world stopped not for war but to save lives

Isn’t that amazing! This isn’t a war – this is a moment when collectively we’ve said let’s take care of our people – world wide. I find it very heartening. To be clear I know there are exceptions, but this is a phenomenon. In World War I and II, not to mention many other conflicts current and past, we’ve lost millions of human beings – tens of millions. And today we …

Hanging in with uncertainty, joy and a little music

Music can uplift, put a bounce in a person’s step, literally it can take you to another place and time. What is your favorite music to dance to?  To sing to? To hang with you in uncertainty?  Music send us to another place and time or it might motivate us.to get up off our feet and dance or set our toes to tapping. 

How can I play with this?

This is a question I ask myself on a regular basis. It’s fun, it takes me out of my current mind frame and invites me to play with whatever is going on. I am not talking about being a “goody two-shoes” either. Look, there is an issue that is facing the whole world right now – Covid 19.  Everyone is having to deal with it one way or the other. It’s all over the media – it’s all anyone talks about … Fear and worry are not generally connective spaces to be in on a regular basis. Play is an antidote.

Hanging out with uncertainty

Every day is an adventure and in the last week we’ve all had some humdingers. Today I was going to go to the grocery store. I didn’t. Why? … What would have been crazy two weeks ago is not crazy now. And so we make decisions, do the best we can hanging out with Uncertainty.

3 books that might spark a little joy in your personal leadership practice

The books that connect with me and personal leadership are not in the personal leadership aisle of the library or bookstore. Personal leadership is a unique to-the-person experience. It is learned while riding a bike, bouncing a ball, sharing a conversation, engaging in an area of study … experiencing and engaging in life. I am in awe of the human spirit and our ability to learn and grow. Here are three books for your consideration:

The Bad Ass and Joy – what’s in a name?

How can we see ourselves and maybe others with fresh eyes? How might we grow into new ways of being and doing? Earlier this year I began to play with the idea of calling myself The Bad Ass. At that point in time I was doing some solo play … it brought perspective. No one else was aware, and I found this new name game intriguing. Being The Bad Ass allowed me to play with who I was and the different ways I might approach various situations.