Is joy playing hide and seek with you?

Joy is playing hide and seek with me and she may be winning! Ha! Oh my goodness it has been a difficult day! Too much news and I’ve barely been on-line. There are days, when if you want to experience joy you have to make it or find it yourself.  Have you tried …

Can we add more joy into our lives – even now?

I’ve been asked can we add joy into our lives even at times like these? Yes, play is just as important for adults as it is for children. It’s a door to joy, to connection, to learning and growing throughout our lifetime. It is as helpful to have access to any times as it helps us … Of course, there are many ways to add more joy or play in our lives here is one of my favorite suggestions …

Empty shelves

What an amazing time we live in. Today I went to do my routine grocery shopping very early in the morning because the shelves have been getting emptier and emptier. So I picked a new time to shop and there I was face-to-face with the most empty grocery store I’ve ever seen. In some ways it was like seeing a brand new store before the shelves were filled – kind of cool … How might those empty shelves be filled with joy? 

A napkin, failure and joy

Today’s post was an experiment. I was very short on time today to write a blog post for my thirty-one day joy challenge and I didn’t have my laptop with me. I decided my blog post would be written on a napkin and posted exactly the way I wrote it. I mean everyone knows what first drafts look like – MESSY!  I was only going to post the picture, but I had trouble with uploading it as well as the resolution of the image. Here is the typewritten blog post …

Fear, invitations, and joy

Oh, my Fear! She can really pound on our doors with all kinds of concerns, worries, warnings. When Fear walks in, it can feel like Joy was sucked right out of the room. If we look in Fear’s pocket, we might see there is an envelope and that might just hold an invitation. The invitation is personal, different for everyone.

War Play and Rough & Tumble Play – do they have value for adults?

When I first heard the term “war play” I was repulsed and unsure what it encompassed. Had I ever played like that as a kid? Do I today? What about rough and tumble play? This sounded like fun, but ….These issues often come up for parents and educators with respect to childhood play and they can be controversial. But, are these types of play worthwhile for adults?