Chicken Little

Poor Chicken Little, the sky wasn’t falling and she was the last to know. There are leaders like this. There always looking for the problem . . .

Leading through play – disappointment and change: Days 10 – 17

I had a disappointment this past week … a little project that didn’t go off as I expected. I couldn’t have been more prepared, and yet there I stood – surprised in the actual moment … I knew enough to be present, to carry on, to do my best with what I had to work with. The thing is you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. Change happens, play helps.

Dogs, invisible dawgz and leadership

I’ve been wondering what it would be like if dogs owned people, and how that turn-a-bout would change things for us two-legged humans. I knew my invisible beagle, bill (small “b”) would have some insight on this topic, and in a recent conversation he shared his thoughts, and I came away with a laugh or two and a few informal lessons in personal leadership.