Too much spam? Lessons learned and a story

Mel is a leader and a stranger. She sends spam and is consistent: she always sends it in the morning and never more than once a day. Intrigued by her subject lines I wondered what I might learn about her and so instead of deleting the emails or putting them in a junk folder, I started to pay attention.

Shame knocked at my door

The other day after accomplishing something I was proud of, I heard a loud knock at the door. I didn’t answer and the knocking turned into pounding. A little scared, I opened it and found a beautiful woman standing there. Her name was Shame.

The gift of no

Have you ever been given a No that made you pause or stopped you in your tracks? There are so many kinds of No’s and they enter our lives in all kinds of ways. They can slip into a casual conversation, silently seep into consciousness while others boldly knock on our door and make us sit up and take notice.