Do you need a time out?

What if a time-out was a stop sign and had to be obeyed? Then, I’d have run the stop sign today, as I played hooky despite all the to do’s on my list, and I don’t feel guilty. What if you had a time out chair, where would you put it and how would you customize it for yourself?  your organization? your family?  Would you place a sign over it and let everyone know it was your time out chair, or would you prefer to keep it your own little secret? Or perhaps you’d like to invite others to enjoy it too?

Too much spam? Lessons learned and a story

Mel is a leader and a stranger. She sends spam and is consistent: she always sends it in the morning and never more than once a day. Intrigued by her subject lines I wondered what I might learn about her and so instead of deleting the emails or putting them in a junk folder, I started to pay attention.

What if I was a water heater . . .

I declared a while back that when we finally got our water heater in, I’d take a picture of myself with the water heater and then I started thinking what if I was a water heater any stress would be relieved by my overflow pipe and Temperature Relief Valve (TPR) . . .

Shame knocked at my door

The other day after accomplishing something I was proud of, I heard a loud knock at the door. I didn’t answer and the knocking turned into pounding. A little scared, I opened it and found a beautiful woman standing there. Her name was Shame.