If a story was a marshmallow – here’s a game to keep in your back pocket

This is one of my very favorite games. In my life, this little game has now risen to  the level of a practice!  I’ve done it so often now that it is simply a part of my life. Here’s an example where I compare story(s) to marshmallows … this exercise of taking one thing and comparing it to another is wonderful for gaining perspective in a number of different ways.  It’s a game with legs and you can bring it to your story work, the invitations that  are presented to you in life, or you can use it to add a little humor to your day.  It’s a great little learning tool to have in your back pocket.

Joy and self-accountability

I am building a business, part of it online, and there are no shortage of businesses that are happy to tell me how to do it. Many have great ideas, concepts, skills, etc. to share – that’s cool! They promise me all kinds of things including accountability. That is they will help hold their clients or customers accountable for getting their work, a task, or goal accomplished. I don’t do that, and it is a huge turn-off …

A big dog, presence and a promise

What happens when your neighbor’s dog unexpectedly needs a little of your attention? … A little reminder of the importance of stepping into the moment and showing up.