To mask or not to mask? Is that the question? I gassed up my car the other day and had to actually go into the gas station to pay. These days I rarely go into any buildings. If I do, I am wearing one or two masks, a face shield and as it is winter, I’m usually wearing two and three layers of clothing. I look nothing like myself. Anyway, I walked into this place and the first thing I saw was a person stocking shelves and their mask was hanging from one ear. Their face was totally exposed and I had to wait for the attendant at the counter.

I wanted to leave, but the attendant came out pretty quickly and within minutes I was on my way out the door when what should I see? The person who had been stocking the shelves was holding the door open for me.

Here was this stock clerk respectfully holding the door open for me on the one hand and letting the mask dangle from their ear on the other. Maybe, just maybe it isn’t about masking up or not, but more about not leaping to obvious assumptions. Perhaps we were both honoring the other?

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,


P.S. If masks were road signs what would yours say: yield? stop? pedestrian crossing? one way? merge? road closed ahead, private road no outlet, be prepared to stop, or?