Fishing for answers that is. Probably all of us have wondered why and sought out answers. When we succeed it can be awesome. We might even have an “aha” moment.

However, there are times when the answer doesn’t appear. And we are left to decide what we will do. Should we:

  • continue to search?
  • let it go?
  • make up a story?
  • choose to appreciate the mystery?
  • or?

There is no right or wrong answer. It’s been my experience that appreciating the mystery can be a pretty powerful thing. It can be a rather joyful space when we hold a container for wonder without expectation.

Sometimes answers happen in this space, sometimes not. But often joy is there – in either case – for the taking.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,

Mary “The Bad Ass”

PS. This is the twenty-ninth day of my joy challenge.