This is a question I ask myself on a regular basis. It’s often fun and it takes me out of my current mind frame and invites me to play with whatever is going on.

I am not talking about being a “goody two-shoes” either. Look, there is an issue that is facing the whole world right now – Covid 19.  Everyone is having to deal with it one way or the other. It’s all over the media – it’s all anyone talks about. And it can be all encompassing and for some a space of worry and fear. I don’t want a diet of worry and fear as it does not allow me to see the bigger picture, gain clarity, take action and see opportunities. Fear and worry are not generally connective spaces to be in on a regular basis. Play is an antidote.

My life has been changed too. I miss getting together with other people. It can be tedious trying to figure out some things that were simple no-brainers just days ago. However we are creative, adaptable, we can figure this out, we can embrace the many invitations in this moment. I haven’t walked around with a smile on my face every minute of the past 24 hours, however I am walking around with a lighter heart and bit more joy because of play and this simple little question.

I don’t believe there is anything we can’t play with. I’ve played with stories, conversations, loss, fear, change, leadership, situations, work, relationships, confusion, etc. It can be powerful mojo.

I’ll keep asking myself, “How can I play with this?” It is an unparalleled invitation and rarely does it disappoint. But there are times when we won’t feel like playing or feel playful – that’s fine. Just keep this little question in your back pocket and make it a practice to ask it on a regular basis – see what kind of answers you come up with. Some of them might just make you smile, give you, and possibly another, a moment of joy and/or the answer you’ve been looking for.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day.

Mary, The Bad Ass

PS. This is day twenty of my thirty-one day challenge on joy.