Joy is playing hide and seek with me and she may be winning! Ha! Oh my goodness it has been a difficult day! Too much news and I’ve barely been on-line. This is day fifteen of my thirty-one day challenge to write about joy. There are days, when if you want to experience joy you have to make it or find it yourself.

Have you considered looking for joy:

  • in your memories? They can be a delight to find and savor for a moment or two.
  • in gratitude?  What are you grateful for today?  in this moment?
  • in movement? There is something glorious in dancing, walking, stretching, moving our bodies.
  • in meditation? Have you have done a joy scan or joy meditation? I have, I made it up, I bet you could make one up too. The thing is I feel joy every time I do it.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,

~ Mary