Have you ever wanted to be heard? Thought you’d done everything you could to get your point across, but you left the conversation less than satisfied? I have.

Maybe the answer lies in releasing ourselves from the need to be heard? Not that we won’t try to be clear or check for understanding, but sometimes clarity is something that occurs over time, or it is totally illusive for a variety of reasons. For example, it might be that we are not listening. Or, it could be that we need to understand that we can be in one space while the people we are communicating with are in another and, perhaps, neither of us are aware of it.

Being heard is about being acknowledged, it’s about clarity of connection, context, and flow. It is not necessarily a simple thing.

Maybe it’s helpful to consider letting go of the need to be heard and see what happens? You never know what kind of stories you might find.

– Mary

P.S. If your story was a window, what style might it be? slide? crank out? arched? egress? garden? hopper? storm? custom? or ?


Edited 5/8/2022, a bit of an overall, but same basic topic. Added P.S. too.