Have you ever wanted to be heard? Thought you’d done everything you can to get to get your point across, and still you left the conversation without satisfaction.

Maybe the answer lies in releasing ourselves from the need to be heard? Not that we won’t endeavor to be clear, or check for understanding, but sometimes clarity occurs over time. Then again there are moments it isn’t so much that we aren’t being heard but that we are not listening.

Feeling heard is about being acknowledged, it’s about clarity of connection and context. It’s about understanding that we are in one space and, often, the people we are communicating with are in another.

If we find ourselves frustrated because we don’t feel heard, maybe we need to let go of this need and see what happens. We might be surprised at what we learn. I know I have been really surprised at times, not only at what I’ve heard but also the story(s) that have come to mind – stories that I changed.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,

– Mary

P.S. If acknowledgment was summer’s favorite vegetable corn, would you prefer it creamed? Frozen? Roasted? Boiled? Or, straight off the cob?  And, would you eat it as is or add salt and butter or maybe something else?

This blog post has been inspired from my August 26, 2014 post, entitled, Not being heard.