Every day is an adventure and in the last week we’ve all had some humdingers. Today I was going to go to the grocery store. I didn’t. Why? Well I wasn’t sure about some issues?  Do we wear gloves? Masks? Wipe down the groceries and with what? Use a cart?  And on it goes. Sounds like I am some mad woman from a sci fi series. In the end, I thought I’d best do a little pre-planning  and sort out some of the details.  Who has time to think of all these details in the middle of all the other things that go on in one’s life: work, family, etc. Grocery shopping is on a whole different scale than it use to be. One decision is easy – I’ll only go to the store when I need to and only buy what I need. Of course, “need” takes on a whole new meaning now.

There are few answers to some of my questions, we are all doing the best we can – learning individually and in groups. What would have been crazy two weeks ago is not crazy now. And so we make decisions, do the best we can, hanging out with Uncertainty.

Uncertainty calls me to become a better decision maker, gain greater clarity, and trust more. There’s a certain joy in that.

And, in the middle of these days of uncertainty there are joyful pleasures, like the walk I took today – the first day of spring! Happy spring! I think it will be a great one. Surprisingly, I’m meeting more of my neighbors – at safe distances and virtually. And the world seems to be opening up and welcoming new ideas and ways of doing things in general and at work.

Spring comes every year. We are certain of it. It never disappoints. If a grocery store was Spring, then I would only have to shop once a year and the groceries would come to me – for free.

In joy,

~ Mary “The Bad Ass”

P.S. This is the nineteenth blog post in my thirty-one day challenge on joy.