When we think of play, we often imagine ourselves or someone smiling or laughing. But one of the first things I noticed when beginning my story work was that I could also feel sad, satisfied, lonely, happy, irritated, intrigued, frustrated, joyful, angry, curious, etc. while playing with stories. My emotions were real and yet if you’d asked me what I was feeling overall I would have said I was feeling playful.

When I play with a story I am enjoying myself, even if I am exploring personal stories, that maybe aren’t always about happy times. How can one feel emotions such as anger and be in a state of play? It’s a puzzle!

Are you always smiling and laughing when you play?

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day!

– Mary

P.S.  If sadness was a house would it be a colonial? a ranch? a cape code? a cottage? an RV?