Shadow SelfieMy shadow waves back at me as if to say hello. It beckons me to be playful, to stop and share, to consider and reflect, to become more open minded. Shadows are varying shades of grey, they are metaphorical, they follow you and they light the path. They are long and short. They distort and accentuate. Shadows ask us to drop assumptions, or see, or do something new – they invite inspection.

They are always there, with us, never straying until dusk. Shadows may invite us to consider a story in a new light or to look for the shadows within.

Shadows occassionally knock on my door – the knock is often announced with an unexpected feeling. It is not always a comfortable feeling, but I’ve found welcoming them and their stories to be worthwhile  – I get to hone my listening and observations skills, have a little fun playing with the stories and I learn something along the way.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,


PS – Do you journal? Like to draw? You might enjoy this little project management tool I play around with from time to time – usually daily.

PPS – If shadows were balls, would you put it on a shelf? bounce it? serve it? toss it? fling it? roll it? pitch it? launch it? puncture it? or something else?