Are the stories you’re sharing and listening to personal stories?  What stories do we share that are not personal?

We need to have a sense of what a personal story is in everyday life. When we tell another’s story, are we sharing their take or our own assumptions?

My mother passed away a number of years ago and recently I received about three years of letters she mainly wrote to her mom before I was born.  There are many stories in those letters. Do I have a right to share them? Can I even really know those stories written long ago? We all know that a lot of living happens off the page. How would my mother have told those stories were she here today?

So, what about you? Are all the stories you share personal? Would you be comfortable with anyone else telling your tales even someone from a different culture?

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day!


P.S. If you had an imaginary treasure chest stuffed full of your stories, what is one story that would be in there that just lightens your heart? What color would you choose for that story?