How can we see ourselves and others with fresh eyes? How might we grow into new ways of being and doing?

Earlier this year I began to play with the idea of calling myself The Bad Ass. At that point in time I was doing some solo play, it was fun, it was joyful – it brought perspective. No one else was aware I was playing a name game. Being The Bad Ass allowed me to play with who I was and the different ways I might approach various situations.

One day I mentioned to a few folks that I was thinking of sharing my new name,  Mary “The Bad Ass,” publicly. I heard their concerns that people might get the wrong idea or not have the right context – especially in business situations. That my reputation might be tarnished. Hmmm?

But the more I played with this idea the more I had to take it on.

I introduced myself, with my new name, at a meeting in January give or take. And I’ve kept sharing it since. Why?

  • It’s a great conversation starter and it encourages me to tell the story – give context. Context is often assumed; this has been a good reminder to bring context and to listen for it.
  • People see me differently when I wear this name and I in turn often see them with fresh eyes. Fresh eyes are a great thing to bring to the table as we and others around us grow and change.
  • The Bad Ass reminds me to stand up straight, speak clearly and don’t hedge among other things, and it has a brought a lot of joy to my life.

What new name would you like to play with or take on? You don’t have to share your new name or your new nick name with anyone to get the benefits of added perspective. Remember you can change your name or take on another new name anytime.

Bring some joy into your life and play with your name!

Enjoy the stories and have a playful day,

– Mary “The. Bad Ass”

PS This is the seventeenth post in my thirty-one day joy challenge.

Edited 10/2/20 for clarity and removed some extraneous words.