No was very powerful at one time in the world. That’s all anyone heard others say and that’s all that was said.  No, I can’t do this. No I disagree with that. No, it is not possible to have that now. And on it went. Parents said it to children. Children said it to parents. Bosses said it to their employees.

No one had heard of Yes. Until one day Yes popped out of the pocket of short-haired child, into and out of  their mouth and then Yes bounced around the world.  Yes, was such a shiny, new play thing that it was on the tip of everyone’s tongue and soon no was sidelined and No went underground.

One day a child, who had been making mud pies in their backyard unearthed a big No and uttered it aloud  when called in from play to wash up for dinner.

And it seemed like the world stopped. No introduced itself to Yes and Yes to No. They had always been aware of each other, but hadn’t quite realized how similar they were.

No and Yes have forever since been best friends, though they have been heard to have some very engaging discussions.

Have a playful day and enjoy the stories,
