Did you ever wake up and catch a just a bit of the news and think scary!  Yet, you find yourself taking the next step –  maybe it’s brushing your teeth, packing lunch for the kids, or going on to give that big presentation you’ve been working on.

Later, at work or in the midst of your very busy day, you feel like the work is  piling up. Yes, you’ve accomplished a lot and yet it doesn’t seem like enough and you, like me, are taking the next step, the next breath anyway.

We keep walking, keep breathing, keep on keeping on.

And, sometimes, purposefully or not, we take an unexpected turn and end up in a surprising place and, then, we take the next step, the next breath  . . .

What do our stories, the stories of our lives consist of, if not these steps, these breaths, these unexpected surprises (no matter the size).

– Mary


  • 12/14/2016 – edited for clarity, image added.
  • 5/5/22 – edited for clarity.