In this moment I define joy as a delight or pleasure in something and/or a feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment.

But others define it differently.

Some speak of happiness when they define joy. But what is happiness? That may be even harder to define and would any one of us agree with someone else’s definition?

If joy was a duck, would it quack?
If joy was an argument, would it be loud?
If joy was cake, would it have icing?
If joy was a house, would it have a hearth?
If joy was loss, would it have tears?

Maybe we don’t need to define joy, may we just need to be on the lookout for it and find it wherever we happen to be? Can it be found waiting in a long line at the grocery store at the end of a difficult day when we’re tired?

I think it can be found, like play and story and our personal leadership in the midst of the ordinary and extraordinary places we find ourselves in every day.

It may help to bring our curiosity, wonder, and a little patience at times.

Enjoy the stories and have a playful and joyful day.

– Mary

PS This is the third in a series of blog posts on joy. You can read about the challenge here.